
Popcorn | Fall Fundraising

Popcorn sales are the primary fundraiser for Pack 405. We encourage every Scout to sell as much as possible... don't forget your friends, co-workers, parents, grandparents, neighbors.

Popcorn sales fundraising enables the Pack to sponsor activities and fund events throughout the program year without having to do a lot of miscellaneous fundraisers.The idea is to have this main fundraiser in the Fall to support our entire year of Scouting.

This is an officially approved Atlanta Area Council unit money-earning project. We sell Popcorn in the Fall and reap the benefits for the rest of the year.

Camp Cards | Spring Fundraising

Camp Cards are a great way for Scouts to earn money to fund their way to camp. Camp Cards are essentially discount cards for local businesses.

The cards practically sell themselves with discounts more than $5.  There is no risk because you only pay for what you sell. You can return any cards that are UNBROKEN back to the unit.

The sale begins in February and ends in April.